Thursday, September 26, 2013


We had a fantastic weekend in Catalina. Thanks Grammy & Papa for such a great vacation!

 Watching the boats

 We spent a lot of time at the pool 


Hanging out with Papa

 On the Flier over

 Lots of treats :-)

 Having fun at the park

 Hazel sharing her dinner with me

I seriously love this picture of Maia

Friday, September 6, 2013


We were playing around with some props at my mom's house and caught this gem on camera.  Look past the glare on the glass and you will see proof that the female species is born with the natural talent of giving "the look".....and JD is a typically clueless guy, "Huh?"

Best caption from Diane: "You do not belong in my window!"

On a side note that isn't that a gorgeous peach tree in the back. I was pretty bummed that nothing ripened while we were there.

Our Mountains

The thing I miss the most in Utah aside from my family is the mountains.....I had a great time sharing the lovely Wasatch front with the kids on our trip home last week. I had the hardest time leaving when it was time to head back to CA....I think we were in Filmore before I stopped crying. The good news is I have two little outdoor-lovers on my hands and we'll be back in a few months for another round. In the meantime the tourists have left the coast so we can start enjoying the beaches again as some sort of consolation that the mountains are hundreds of miles away. :-)