JD loves jobs. He helps with the dishes, feeding the dog, feeding our turtles, picking up his toys, bringing me anything I need, taking the laundry out of the dryer, sweeping. He just needs a task and he is happy
Miss Maia has discovered dresses. "DRESS! DRESS! DRESS!" is what picking out clothes sounds like....she even wants to sleep in her dresses. She has also discovered how fun it is to wear underwear on her head....had I let her, she would have gone to church exactly like this last Sunday.
Bubbles....enough said. Thanks Aunt Jen for this awesome present. We love it!
Pianos. Notice Maia is playing the piano, and JD is driving his car on the piano. This is a pretty good indication of their personalities.
Maia screams "AUUU-DEEEE!" when she sees her lovely cousin Audrey. Little sister Hazel is "Baby" in Maia's vocabulary. JD doesn't care about the girls but loves his big cousin, Max.
In addition to dresses, Maia also loves boots, jackets, hats, and hair clips. I paid zero attention to clothes until....maybe age 15? I don't know how this little girl was born with an interest in clothes before age 2. It's very cute though.
Picking flowers, which they then shared with their Mama. Melt my Mama-heart. :-)
oh my gosh they are so dang cute!!!!! Love them! you need to come up and see us again so i can keep Maia awake all night and play again :)